The Spiritually Guided Business Course

Create Your Spiritually Guided Business

"Get Connected. Get Clear.

Take Action. Grow!"

"Are you tired of taking a lot of action that isn't leading you where you want to go? The Spiritually Guided Business Workshop is for you if you want to be more aligned with your gifts, deepen your spiritual connection with your business, reach your optimal clients, and to trust your next steps. You'll get focused and clear so you can initiate the inspired action steps that will get you the results you have always wanted. You'll learn to create a continuous spiritual connection and how to trust your intuition in your business"

“I contacted Sheri because I wanted to bring my practice to the next level. I needed a business coach who was not only going to be able to see my business in a new light but really help me see my vision through and help me discover my untapped potential.  Sheri is a supportive, intuitive, and brilliant business coach. Working with Sheri has been an amazing choice for me and my business. She consistently shows up for you every step of the way. ” Annika Brindley, Sleep Consultant and Owner of Little Sleepers 

When you choose this Offer from Transformational Business and Life Coach, Sheri Kaye Hoff You'll...

Get Connected

A divine connection isn't just for morning/evening prayers or Sundays, you can live from a place of always being connected. You are never alone.

Learn how to create or deepen a sustainable and continuous connection with God/Source/ The Divine creating communication and a biz that is spiritually guided.

Learn how to practically develop and rely on your intuition for the next steps.

Avoid the "shiny thing" syndrome.

This course is about spiritual connection and not a course in religion. I was raised in a faithful, loving, Christian family and this upbringing deeply impacted my experience of always being connected to God throughout my life. I have clients from all faiths who take my spiritual courses.

Get Clear and Inspired

Receive the intuitive knowing and the inner peace that you are on the right track with your business and discover the adjustments to make a greater impact.

Divine guidance and intuitive guidance appear differently to people. Learn to identify the way that you receive information.

Gain confidence in your inspired action steps.

Be open to new perspectives and creativity in your business.

Fall in love with your business (or back in love).

Recognize when you are stepping off your path and course correct.

Look forward to each day as it unfolds in your business.

Discover how to plan for the future and be present in your biz.


Grow Your Businessfrom a centered and grounded place.

Release fear and worry, and replace them with courage, the energy of knowing you are fulfilling your purpose in high service to others, and the energy of receiving all of your good.

God cares about the big things and the small things in your life and your business. Ask for wisdom and guidance in everything.

A spiritually guided business can be any business. You don't have to be a spiritual practitioner.

Don't miss out on your Spiritually Guided Business Workshop

Here's What You'll Get:

  • One two-hour on-demand webinar class (4 modules) with Sheri (me) and the mp3 download. So you can get started right away and work at your own pace.
  • The Spiritually Guided Business Checklist
  • The Spiritually Guided Business Content Marketing Guide One Sheet
  • The Spiritually Guided Business Prayer and Affirmations
  • The Spiritually Guided Business Tapping Meditation
  • Plus Bonus Gifts: The Art of Abundance Course and The Art of Healing Your Life Workshop

Get it today for $194. Once you choose this you will receive your course information over email: If this sounds like exactly what you need for your biz and life, get started now.

Register Now for Just $194

I'm In, Let's Do This >>>

Get Connected. Get Clear. Take Action. Grow.

Why worry about whether you are doing the right thing in your business? Through our workshop, we’ll help you find the most natural way for you to connect with your spirituality, discover clarity in what you need and maximize your inspired action steps so you can create your business growth the way you want.


Get Connected

This is not a cookie cutter approach. We know every single business and client is unique. We’ll work with you to foster a deep, reliable spiritual connection with practical exercises.


Get Clear

Discover how to understand and know your next steps.


Envision and Plan Your Inspired Action Steps

A Spiritually Guided Business is an inspired business. You'll discover inspired action steps that you actually look forward to taking and steps that feel like you, not someone else.


Optimize and Take Your Action Steps

Find the confidence to try new things. Commit to and take action every day based on your connection, your desires, your experience, and your research.



Your business begins to fast-track when everything you do comes from an aligned and centered place. Once you practice, you can refine and repeat this process for every business decision. Growing a business takes commitment and effort. Tapping into spiritual guidance is not a replacement for taking action, rather it's a way to act with inner peace and clarity.


Get Connected. Get Clear. Take Action. Grow.

The Spiritually Guided Biz Course may be exactly what you need to grow your business.

Register Now for Just $194

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