Your Path to Success


Thriving All the Time Course

Design a life that truly reflects your heart and soul. You'll bring into being a thriving lifestyle. Energize your power to create a life you love and step into the fullest expression of you.

This high-value offer is available from Heart and Soul-Based Success Coach Sheri Kaye Hoff, where you will unleash purpose, feel good, and be led by intuition. You will develop confidence, positivity, and self-belief. Build momentum for your bigger dreams and create a thriving lifestyle.

Thriving All the Time Course is for creating a life you love living.

One of my Facebook friends posted that she cried when she filled up her gas tank, and now she practically never leaves her hometown if she doesn't have to. You probably have heard or even said something similar about the current economy. There is actually an economic index that measures fear in our society. When fear is high, there can be a negative economic impact. Here's how I feel and think about it. I get to decide how I  live my life and create my story. I get to decide to thrive no matter what. It truly is a decision. I can choose courage, and I can choose abundance.

could also choose to be scared, lower my goals, or blame the economy for everything that isn't working. But I am not choosing that, and I hope you aren't either.


Stand strong and align with your goals. Embrace the challenges, victories, and everything. Lift up and encourage people. Keep your mindset and spirits high. Stay away from the habit of complaining and live your life. Notice when you are affected by excessive news intake and negative complaining people. You don't have to avoid them, but be aware of your energy and take steps to refresh and rejuvenate yourself.

The truth is that each person on any given day can come up with reasons why he or she is not succeeding, whether the economy is up or down. That same person can come up with many reasons why he or she can succeed. It's the mindset, the reframe, the reset, the paradigm shift, and inspired action.

Decide today to thrive- no matter what. It's as simple as a decision. Feel that deep inside. When you say, "I decided," you get the momentum going. Positive change feels like it's here or on its way to you.


n the middle of creating this course, I learned that I had a large mass on my ovary that looked cancerous. How perfect that in the middle of uncertainty and fear, I was teaching about thriving no matter what. By the way, it was not cancer.

We all have moments of fear, but you don't have to feed and indulge it. Pass through the fear without letting it grow bigger.

If you feel fear around a goal, look at or uncover the belief you have. As you sit with the feelings, ask questions. What would it mean for me to achieve this goal?...your beliefs will pop up. Then, you can reframe them if needed by using What-if questions. Or I get to... statements.


I am a happy, thriving person. I have grown through challenges throughout my life and maintained a thriving attitude. Even though I have grieved and felt sad at times, I had an inner strength that kept me on a path of knowing I am here for a reason. In this course, I am focusing on thriving; however, the beginning stage is surviving. If you are reading this today, you have survived everything in life, and that is a victory.

Then, open up to the possibility of thriving. Much love, Sheri

Would you love to:

  • Discover how to thrive all the time, even during uncertain times.
  • Learn the elements of a thriving mindset and loosen the grip of limiting beliefs so you can fully integrate a thriving mindset
  • Build action steps around a thriving lifestyle and learn how to help others build action steps as well.
  • Recognize growth opportunities. Develop and trust your intuition.
  • Apply a thriving mindset and lifestyle to work, business, and life. Turn setbacks and failures into a launching pad for success as you define it.
  • Discover how to implement incremental growth and how to create leaps of growth when you want to .

Welcome to "Thriving All the Time," my empowering course designed to help you unlock your full potential and live a life filled with thriving, joy, abundance, and fulfillment.

Throughout this course, you will make sure your true self, your values, and your actions align. We'll explore the connection between spirituality and everyday life that supports your highest good.

You'll learn how to harness your thriving power to manifest your heart's desires through practical exercises and reflective practices.

Our modules will guide you through the process of developing your intuitive skills and the confidence to rely on your intuition.

By the end of this course, you will have a toolkit to thrive in every aspect of your life, no matter what is going on. You'll be equipped with the inner strength and skills to create positive change, ensuring that thriving becomes a constant reality. Prepare to transform your life, where living your best life is within reach every single day.

I adore Sheri. She has been a strong guiding force for me. The clarity, wisdom, and support that I have gained from working with Sheri have been amazingly valuable to me. Bringing Sheri into my life is one of the smartest things I have ever done. Boy do I love this woman! Thank you Sheri, I continue to grow each day!

— Joanna S..

When you choose this offer from Sheri Kaye Hoff You'll...


Believe in Yourself

I Stay Positive

Thriving All the Time Course Modules.

Module 1: Unleashing Purpose

In this transformative module, discover the beauty and power of living a purpose-driven life. You'll uncover your unique gifts, aligning your actions with your deepest values and passions. You'll learn to unleash your purpose through reflective exercises and practical tools and create a thriving life filled with meaning and joy. Embrace the clarity and direction that comes from knowing and living your purpose daily

Module 2: Feeling Good

Welcome to the vibrant, thriving,  and exciting world of feeling good! This uplifting module will explore the elements of emotional well-being, inner peace, and happiness. Through heartwarming practices and empowering techniques, you'll learn how to boost and enhance positive emotions, nurture self-compassion, and elevate the experiences in your daily life. Welcome the joy of feeling good and watch your energy and enthusiasm for life soar as you thrive with heart and soul-based success.

Module 3: Trusting and Being Led by Intuition

Dive into this enlightening module's world of intuition and inner wisdom. You'll discover how to quiet the outside world's noise and tune into the guidance of your heart and soul. You'll learn to trust your inner voice and make decisions with confidence and clarity. Let your intuition lead the way to a life of ease, flow, and thriving success.

Module 4: Confidence, Positivity and Self-Belief

Unlock your inner power with this inspiring module designed to boost your confidence, positivity, and self-belief. You'll explore strategies to overcome self-doubt, build unshakable self-esteem, and develop a positive mindset. You'll learn to radiate confidence and attract the success you deserve. Step into your awesomeness and let your light shine brightly in every aspect of your life.

Module 5: Win the Day

In this dynamic module, activate the power of daily success habits. Discover effective strategies to set and achieve your goals, manage your time, and create a productive and fulfilling daily routine. Focus on consistent, inspired actions to learn how to win each day and build momentum toward your bigger dreams. Celebrate your daily victories as you transform into a thriving life of extraordinary success.

Module 6: Your Thriving Life

Welcome to the ultimate module on creating a thriving life filled with abundance, joy, and fulfillment. You'll integrate all the principles and practices from previous modules to design a life that truly reflects your heart and soul. You'll bring into being a holistic and thriving lifestyle. Energize your power to create a life you love and step into the fullest expression of you

Each module is designed to guide you on an insightful journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation, aligning you with your heart and soul's true desires. Let's travel on this beautiful adventure together and create the thriving life you deserve.

Here's What You'll Get

Six modules with audio downloads

Visualization, meditation, mindfulness, eft, journal prompts, and more exercises to help you thrive all the time.

Decide to Thrive Coach Certificate of Completion

Bonus: a curated collection of 8 modules from my VIP program

You can get this bundle for just $288

Get on the waitlist for when this course opens>>>

Coach and author Sheri Kaye Hoff is known for inspiring heart and soul-based success and is a catalyst for personal and business growth, joy, and abundance in fun, relaxing, and fulfilling way.

Sheri inspires people to do the work they love. She uses spiritual and practical techniques to obliterate blocks and create dramatic change. She has overcome nearly dying and the loss of her brother at an early age. She has made it her life mission to share the keys to happiness and success.

All of your dreams and goals are possible. You are limitless with the power of belief, deep gratitude, and inspired action. Create the attitude: " Of course, this is happening...Of course I get to realize my deepest desires...Of course, I'm having fun..."

Affirm: "Everything is working out. This moment is beautiful, this moment is a teacher, this moment is full of gratitude, and this moment is precious." Everything great in life comes from love. Love of God then love of self which radiates outward to other people. Love is the essence and energy of success, abundance, relationships, and fulfillment

"...Now I’m FREE!!!! I’m fired up, and I’m tuned in!

A deep thank you, Sheri !."


"...Sheri’s teaching style is simple, inspiring, fun, and powerful. She is organized; an action-oriented, and dedicated coach who will support you in taking action…"

- Bonnie G.

 "...Sheri is an excellent, relate-able mentor and coach who is interested in your success...” 

- Doug J.

*Disclaimer: Positive change and results takes effort. This is a program based on thought shifting ideas and each person's experience will be different. This program is not meant to be medical, psychological or professional advice.

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